Directory Entry

Directory Add/Edit

The entry form is divided into multiples sections:


Name fields (i.e. First Name, Last Name, Job Title, Nickname, etc.) There is also a Picture File Name field to enter the name of a picture that was uploaded from the Manage Pictures page.
Sort this entry by determines how the record is sorted in the search results. The field chosen here must not be blank.

Address Information

There are two types of addresses, Home and Office. Choose the primary address by selecting one from the The primary address for this entry is the. The primary address is the address that is shown in card view and the top section of the detail page.

Personal Information

Personal Information can be entered about the directory entry's spouse and children. This information's privacy can be controlled by the administrator.

Birthdays and Anniversaries

When a Birthday or Anniversary is entered it will automatically be added to the calendar. Birthday and Anniversary year can be hidden from the view of the calendar and the directory entry by the administrator through Setup » My Organization » Modify » Miscellaneous Preferences.

Custom Fields

Custom Fields created via Setup » Users are shown here alphabetically.

Summary Display

This is a checklist of what fields to show on the summary display (on the Card in Card View, or in the top section of the detail view). When adding an entry, this defaults to the defined options in Setup » My Organization.

Privacy Level

This determines what privacy is applied to the record. Private - Only the owner of the record can see it. Note: Administrators of your directory can always see all entries and they can give other users permission to see all entries, but typically this would not be done. Private To My Organization - Only the users set up for your directory can see the entry. No one publicly can see it. Public - Anyone can see this entry. Note: If your directory is private (Setup » My Organization Public Can View My Organization » No), then this overrides this setting. By default a directory is set up to not be viewable by the public. The default is Private To My Organization.


Defines what users (Login Username) have ownership rights to the directory entry. Up to three owners can be assigned. By default the person who creates the directory entry is the owner. The administrators control who can maintain the directory.


Any number of groups can be created. Those groups that have previously been created are listed in this section. A directory entry can be assigned to one or many groups. The option field Individual field next to the group is used to specify the individual (For example if this was a family and the spouse belonged to the group, her name would go here.) The optional field Role is define the persons role within in the group. (i.e. Group Leadership with Role of Treasurer). You can create a new group if it has not yet been created. Groups can be maintained from the Groups Menu.


A list of responsibilities that are associated with the directory entry. This is a free form text box.


A list of Skills that are associated with the directory entry. This is a free form text box.


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