Setup - Modify My Organization

The Update My Organization page allows you to customize the configuration of your directory.

Contact Information

Specify the organization name, contact name, address, telephone number and email address. This is important to have a correct email address and telephone number so that you can receive a reminder and invoice when you subscription is due for renewal to prevent it from expiring.

Home Page URL

This option controls where the Home Page menu option links to. By default it is the PD Online™ Home Page. But, it can be any valid URL including a URL back to your own website.

Custom Directory Name

You can give your directory, a custom name. By default the name is your organization name and online directory. (i.e. XYZ Company Online Directory).

Directory URL

This is the URL that you provide other's within your organization to access your directory.

Picture to Show on Welcome and Login Page

You can upload your Organization's Logo or other picture and it will be displayed on your login page or Welcome page once logged in.

Small Picture for Notice Box

You can upload a smaller picture (your logo or any other picture) that will be displayed in the left sidebar.

Display Daily Scripture Verse

In the left sidebar menu there's a notice section that displays your company name (and logo if you choose to)(left-sidebar-notice.png (Upload to You can also choose to display a scripture verse that is randomly selected.

Display Subscription Expiration Notice to All Users

When your subscription is nearing renewal time, a notice is displayed in the notice section if the left sidebar. You can choose whether this will be displayed to all users or just the adminstrators.

Hide Show Menu Options

You can choose to display or hide some of the menu options in the left sidebar. The menu options checked here can be hidden:
✔︎ Organizations
✔︎ Calendar
✔︎ Photo Galleries
  Manage Pictures
  Login Requests

Note: Manage Pictures and Login Requests will only be shown for an administrator. Login Requests will not be shown unless you opted to select yes to Public Can View My Organization.

Show Default Calendar Events

By default national holidays and religious holidays are shown on the calendar page. You can choose to have these removed. Birthdays and Anniversaries will continue to be shown if you enter Birthdays and Anniversaries on directory entries.

Public Can View My Organization

By default anyone outside of your organization cannot search within the Organizations menu option and find your directory. You can choose to make your directory public, in which case your directory could be found by an Organization search. By default, even if you make your directory public, the directory entries would be private and not found in searches by anyone outside of your organization. Unless both the directory is public and a given directory entry is marked as public, it will not be found in a search.

Public Can View Contact Info

If you make your directory public as explained above, you can choose whether the contact info is public or not.

Receive Email Directory Change Notifications

You can choose to receive notifications anytime a directory entry is changed. This is useful when you are allowing multiple individuals to maintain the directory and want to verify the changes are appropriate.

Authentication ID

You can set up an Authentication ID that makes it possible to allow users within your organization who already login to a website within your organization to access the directory without logging in a second time. However, when a user is logged in in this fashion, they can only view the directory. Please contact us, if you'd like this set up.

Briefly Describe Your Organization

If you chose to make your directory public, you could briefly describe your organization here.

Directory Default View

There are four different views to the directory: List, Card, Photos, Detail. You can choose which view is the first view that a user sees on an initial search.

Directory Default Search Type

There are two modes of search and a toggle switch in the left sidebar to switch between Quick and Advanced search types. You can choose the default here.

Advanced Search Fields

The Advanced Search allows for searching by the various attributes shown here. Those select will appear in the Advanced Search Mode.

Directory List View Preferences

You can choose what columns appear on the List view directory page. The default contact value for the directory entry is always shown.

Directory Detail View Show Tab Preferences

This allows you to control what sections are shown on the Directory Entry Page.

Summary Display Preferences

Defines what information shows up on the summary view by default. This can be overridden for each individual record.

Miscellaneous Preferences

These preferences set whether the Year is shown for a Birthday or Anniversary. (i.e. 4/24/1945 would show as 4/24).


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