Sidebar - Menu Options

The sidebar contains Menu Options, Search Area, and Notice Box. This page describes the menu options.

Menu Options

The Menu Options are:

Home Page - Takes you to the page that you've configured as the home page. The page can be a link back to your website or any a URL within Picture-Directory Online.

Groups - A list of directory groups that you have set up. A directory entry can belong to multiple groups.

Calendar - A monthly calendar of events, appointments, birthdays, etc that you have configured.

Photo Galleries - Photo Galleries that you have set up. Your can create multiple photo directories for things like special events within your organization.

Manage Pictures - This is where the pictures that you have associated to a directory entry can be managed.

Setup - This is where you configure your directory. Here you maintain Users, Grant or Deny Login Requests, Set up Custom Fields, View and Configure your Organization Preferences, Import Directory Data, and Export Directory Data.

Logout - End your login session

Login Requests - Shows requests pending and takes you to the Manage Login Requests page.


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